Cedar Rapids Education Association is our local chapter of ISEA and NEA.
Our mission is to promote quality public education by placing our students at the center of everything we do while advocating for our education professionals.
CREA strives to build capacity one member at a time while developing stewardship one leader at a time.
Protecting Member Rights
Strengthening Local Associations
Building a Better Teaching and Learning
Building Support for Public Education
You and your colleagues have a legally protected right to join our union, which advocates on your behalf at the district, state, and national level.
A Member Recruitment Toolkit is available if you're looking for an effective way to nudge a colleague to join us.
We are the largest labor union in the US. Your membership includes these benefits:
Strength of numbers when bargaining for improved working conditions and salary and benefits.
Membership amplifies your voice to make real changes that will benefit your students and your daily life.
Our union meets with legislators of both parties to advocate for your needs and the needs of your students.
High quality professional development at very affordable prices.
Legal protection with liability insurance and a great team of education law experts on staff to clarify legislation for members.
Member benefits and discounts to help you plan for retirement, find insurance, or even get help with health and wellness or navigating student loan debt.