
Please consider joining any of these committees. Just contact the designated person to get involved!

Audit Committee

This yearly committee meets once between October and November to review the financial practices and expenses of CREA and prepare an audit report for the Public Employee Relations Board, as required by Iowa law. Contact

Bargaining Team

The purpose of the bargaining team is to represent the bargaining unit during the process of negotiating our contract with the district. This committee begins each year in winter until the contract is ratified. Placement on the committee is by CREA presidential appointment. 

Budget Committee

This committee is to use feedback from members to prepare and propose a yearly fiscal budget for CREA Executive Board approval. The proposed budget will be reflective of our mission and vision. This is a yearly committee that meets no more than five times between January and April. Contact

Member Engagement Committee

This committee meets monthly August through April to plan association representatives/member meeting refreshments, social events, celebrations, and appreciation activities. Contact 

Nominations and Elections Committee

The purpose of the committee is to gather nominations, organize ballot creation, distribution, collection, tabulation, and report official results, electing local leaders to represent membership at the CREA, ISEA, and NEA levels. This is an opportunity to serve in August/September for ISEA/NEA representatives, and/or March/April for CREA Executive Board annually and Officers every other year. Contact

Political Action Committee (PAC)

This committee will work to elect candidates for public office who support our mission to advocate for students and educators. Meeting dates are based on election cycles. Contact

Communications Committee

This committee works to spread our message via our website, social media, and media outlets. We also plan to organize speakers for school board meetings as needed. Contact Rita McCord to join us!

Member Recruitment Committee

This committee is working to increase membership among CRCSD teachers through incentives and recruitment tools. Contact Jen Barnhart to join us!

Professional Learning Committee

This committee is working to lead the way on high quality professional development opportunities for CRCSD staff. Contact Eriece Colbert to join us!